Saturday, January 17, 2009

Bible in a year

I’ve tried to go through the bible in a year many times. It’s usually a new year’s resolution, but I’ve rarely had success with it. This time is different though. This time I actually have a plan and have a guide that tells me what to read each day. It used to be where I just started in Genesis and tried to go all the way through the bible. Now, I’m focused...and now I’m excited! And I have partners doing this with me. Thank you Tam and Maggie for your dedication. I pray God’s continued blessings on you as you go through His Word this year!

It started off in John then jumped to Genesis. Halfway through Genesis it moved to Job and that’s where I’m at now. As I read through some of Genesis I decided I wanted to be like Enoch. If you look at Genesis 5 it gives a detailed lineage of Adam all the way to Noah. What caught my eye is that for each person (Adam, Seth, Enosh, Kenan, Mahalalel, Jared, Enoch, Methuselah, Lamech, Noah), it says how long they lived before their son was born and then whether or not they had more sons or daughters, and then finally how long they lived. Enoch is different though. It doesn’t just say that he had a son, then more kids, then, he stands out because it says ‘Enoch walked with God’.

This really got me thinking. I wonder what people say when I die. What will my legacy be? If I’m written about after I die, will it just be about the formalities (Aaron was born ___, he got a degree from ___, lived overseas, worked as ____, had x-amount of kids, and died)? I hope that’s not it. I hope that people see that I walk with God. I hope that I stand out in the lists of people. I pray that as I go through this year of reading the bible, people begin to see that not only am I living, but that like Enoch, I’ll be known to walk with God.

Then, each of Enoch's ancestors before him ‘died’. However, in Enoch’s case, ‘he was no more, because God took him away.’ He didn’t die...he didn’t experience death like all his ancestors before him. God took him!

I’m living my life different from today's cultural norm. I’m determined not to die. I’m determined to be taken by God. Don’t misunderstand me...I’m gonna die at some point, but because I’m walking with God, I have more promised to me after death. I’m not just going to die. I’m taken somewhere else. Praise be to God!