Monday, October 20, 2008


Ever get the feeling that you are blessed beyond reason? I feel that way quite frequently. I have a great family, great friends, God has provided for me every day....I’m blessed! I was reading today in Psalm and got to this verse that challenged me:

The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy. - Psalm 126:3

What challenged me in that verse is the thought that I am so blessed with all the great things that the Lord has done for me, but I had to question myself of how joyful am I when it comes down to it? Recently I feel as if I haven’t been joyful. Or if I have been, I know that I haven’t been ‘filled’ with joy and I regret that. It’s easy in this time for me to be negative, pessimistic, discouraged, etc, but I need to remind myself daily that the Lord has done GREAT things for me....and that thought alone should fill me with joy. God is good!
On a COMPLETELY other topic....the Rays won last night!!! WOOOHOOO!! I know many of you might be thinking I’m joining the bandwagon....say what you will, but let me explain. I hate regular season baseball. I hate the fact that there are 162 games and to lose one doesn’t make that big of a deal. Yeah, when you add up the loses it gets to be a big deal, but I like to watch football where each loss could be devastating. Although I hate regular season baseball I LOVE playoff baseball. Each loss matters....each strike is crucial. I don’t care who’s in the playoffs....I’ll watch. But, now that the Rays are in the playoffs, I actually get to cheer for a team I care about. Yeah, I’m not die-hard in the regular season but I will ‘root’ for the Rays to make it to the playoffs...they’ve just never made it before. But, now that they are in the playoffs, I can root with all my might. Call me bandwagon if you want, I don’t care....I’m still rooting for the Rays! Now that they’re in the playoffs I have a reason to root! Playoff Baseball....there’s nothing like it (well, besides NFL playoffs...oh yeah...and bowl season and March Madness)! Go Rays!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Getting killed in Jeopardy!

My big bro Jason and his girlfriend, Lauren, flew in last night to surprise my dad for his 60th birthday next week. Yep, he's getting old. I don't know what the big plans are for the weekend, but I'm just excited to have them in town.

In one of my favorite past-times mom, dad, Jason, Lauren and I gathered around our tv to play Jeopardy! last night. Let it be known that Jason and Lauren KICKED OUR BUTTS! Seriously, it wasn't even close. We played three games because, yes I do record them on the DVR so I can watch later on, and they won all of not close margains mind you! Anyway, Lauren and Jason are/were history majors so they knew ALL the questions dealing with history. Plus Lauren was answering questions (or do you say questioning answers when talking about the format of Jeopardy!?) for the $2000 question in the category of Archeology. It was amazing. They were dominating! And I thought I was decent at Jeopardy. I've come to a conclusion after watching last night....I need to start reading more AND I need those books to be classics, historical, Shakespearean, or political. I was dominated in those categories! We have more episodes to watch today so let's hope it gets better.