Monday, October 20, 2008


Ever get the feeling that you are blessed beyond reason? I feel that way quite frequently. I have a great family, great friends, God has provided for me every day....I’m blessed! I was reading today in Psalm and got to this verse that challenged me:

The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy. - Psalm 126:3

What challenged me in that verse is the thought that I am so blessed with all the great things that the Lord has done for me, but I had to question myself of how joyful am I when it comes down to it? Recently I feel as if I haven’t been joyful. Or if I have been, I know that I haven’t been ‘filled’ with joy and I regret that. It’s easy in this time for me to be negative, pessimistic, discouraged, etc, but I need to remind myself daily that the Lord has done GREAT things for me....and that thought alone should fill me with joy. God is good!
On a COMPLETELY other topic....the Rays won last night!!! WOOOHOOO!! I know many of you might be thinking I’m joining the bandwagon....say what you will, but let me explain. I hate regular season baseball. I hate the fact that there are 162 games and to lose one doesn’t make that big of a deal. Yeah, when you add up the loses it gets to be a big deal, but I like to watch football where each loss could be devastating. Although I hate regular season baseball I LOVE playoff baseball. Each loss matters....each strike is crucial. I don’t care who’s in the playoffs....I’ll watch. But, now that the Rays are in the playoffs, I actually get to cheer for a team I care about. Yeah, I’m not die-hard in the regular season but I will ‘root’ for the Rays to make it to the playoffs...they’ve just never made it before. But, now that they are in the playoffs, I can root with all my might. Call me bandwagon if you want, I don’t care....I’m still rooting for the Rays! Now that they’re in the playoffs I have a reason to root! Playoff Baseball....there’s nothing like it (well, besides NFL playoffs...oh yeah...and bowl season and March Madness)! Go Rays!